Please download the gzipped tar file (TIPP09_template.tar.gz) from above,
"gunzip" and "tar xvf" the file, and produce the directory
You find template.tex;
please edit and typeset this file to prepare your masnucript.
You also find elsdoc.pdf, in which
a guide to elsarticle.cls is provided.
By typesetting template.tex with the document-class option [5p] and the class {elsarticle}, a presentation similar to the final print of NIMA (double column, small figures etc) is realized. Please count the number of pages with it. When you prepare your manuscript with LaTex, please follow the page limitation (8 pages for plenary talks, 3 pages for oral and poster presentation) strictly. |
Please download Elsevier.dot from above,
and read the instructions in the file carefully.
Note that, with the current size of the NIMA pages, there can be about 15% more text on a page than indicated by the MSWord template. Please count the number of pages with this assumption; for oral and poster presentations, the manuscript should be with three and a half pages or less. For reference of a 3-page article that has been published already in NIMA, you may use this. |